

江南,焚烧厂渗滤液处理中全氟辛酸的去除效果及影响因素 曾晓岚1, 2, 付楠楠1, 2, 孙现红1, 2, 陈亮1, 2, 魏庆1, 2, 黄子诚3, 丁文川1, 2


焦点提醒:燃烧厂渗滤液处置中全氟辛酸的去除结果和影响身分 曾晓岚1, 2, 付楠楠1, 2, 孙现红1, 2, 陈亮1, 2, 魏庆1, 2, 黄子诚3, 丁文川1, 2中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事PDF下载[1]曾晓岚,付楠楠,孙现红,等.燃烧厂渗滤液处置中全氟辛酸的去除结果和影响身分[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(01):23-28.点击复制

Removal Effect of Perfluorooctanoic Acid in Landfill Leachate Treatment and Its Influencing Factors
更新日期/Last Update:2020-01-01危废措置中间污水份质处置工艺设想和运转经验 王凯1, 高波2, 张磊2, 郭修智2(1.青岛海湾新材料科技无限公司,山东青岛266700;2.中国市政项目华北设想研究总院无限公司,天津300381)PDF下载[1]王凯,高波,张磊,等.危废措置中间污水份质处置工艺设想和运转经验[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):69-73. WANG Kai,GAO Bo,ZHANG Lei,et al.Experience in Design and Operation of Wastewater Separate Treatment in the Hazardous Waste Disposal Center[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(16):69-73.点击复制

Experience in Design and Operation of Wastewater Separate Treatment in the Hazardous Waste Disposal Center
WANG Kai1,GAO Bo2,ZHANG Lei2,GUO Xiu-zhi2
(1. Qingdao Haiwan New Material Technology Co. Ltd., Qingdao 266700, China; 2. North China Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd., Tianjin 300381, China)
hazardous waste;wastewater treatment;evaporation system
山东省某危险废料措置中间的污水处置系统扶植范围为235 m3/d。按照污水的分歧来历和水质特征,分为4类别离搜集处置。出产污水和早期雨水采取“还原+中和+絮凝沉淀+活性炭过滤”处置工艺;燃烧污水和渗滤液采取蒸发处置工艺;物化系统污水采取“蒸发+生化”处置工艺;糊口污水与物化污水蒸发系统出水采取“O/A+MBR”工艺处置。具体引见了4条处置线的工艺流程和设想参数。近半年现实运转结果显示,系统运转不变,水质波动较小。各项出水水质可以或许到达《污水排入城镇下水道水质尺度》(GB/T 31962—2015)的要求,COD、BOD5、NH3-N、TDS平均去除率别离为95.52%、95.48%、95.13%、99.85%,处置本钱约为3.7元/m3。
The treatment capacity of a wastewater treatment system of a hazardous waste disposal center in Shandong Province is 235 m3/d. The wastewater was divided into four categories and collected and treated separately according to its different sources and quality characteristics. The production wastewater and initial rainwater were treated by “reduction + neutralization + flocculation and precipitation + activated carbon filtration” process; Incineration wastewater and leachate were treated by evaporation process; Physichemical wastewater was treated by “evaporation+biochemical treatment” process; Domestic sewage and physicochemical evaporation effluent were treated by “O/A+MBR” process. The process flow and design parameters of the four treatment processes were introduced in detail. The actual operation results in the last half year showed that the system operated stably and the water quality fluctuated little. The effluent quality could meet the standard of Wastewater Quality Standards for Discharge to Municipal Sewers (GB/T 31962-2015), the average removal rate of COD,BOD5, NH3-N, TDS was 95.52%, 95.48%, 95.13%, 99.85% respectively, and the treatment cost was 3.7 yuan/m3.


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更新日期/Last Update:2020-08-17