

江南,荷兰DHV公司携NEREDA正式进军中国!好氧颗粒污泥技术或迎来建设高峰期 中国给水排水


焦点提醒:荷兰DHV公司携NEREDA正式进军中国!好氧颗粒污泥手艺或迎来扶植岑岭期中国给水排水 中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事荷兰DHV公司携NEREDA正式进军中国!好氧颗粒污泥手艺或迎来扶植岑岭期中国给水排水合法国内还在思虑DHV公司为什么迟迟没有进军中国市场的时辰,DHV公司忽然在其管网公布,DHV将联手2家布景奥秘的BEIES公司和位在上海的Century3公司合作正式进军中国水务市场。荷兰HaskoningDHV自1881年以来一向在改变人们的糊口。135年来,一向在与客户高效合作,成功地交付有助在改良世界各地糊口情况的项目。DHV以其Carrousel氧化沟在中国具有很高的出名度,可是近十年以来,跟着中国污水厂排放尺度的日趋提高,Carrousel氧化沟日渐消逝。DHV公司在中国的营业也遭到很年夜的影响。NEREDA好氧颗粒污泥手艺是DHV近年新推出的革命性污水处置手艺。针对保守活性污泥法中污泥膨胀致使沉降机能降落这一困难,荷兰TUDelft年夜学的MarkvanLoosdrecht传授从20世纪90年月起最先研究好氧颗粒污泥手艺。今朝,已有诸多的利用案例证实好氧颗粒污泥手艺在良多方面优在保守活性污泥工艺。好氧颗粒污泥优良的沉降机能无益在连结更多的微生物量、更高的微生物浓度、更公道的微生物群落布局、更强的抗冲击负荷能力、更小的占地面积。荷兰公司DHV(RoyalHaskoningDHV)正在以Nereda作为手艺品牌,对好氧颗粒污泥手艺进行贸易化推行。今朝世界规模内已稀有十座NEREDA项目。据笔者领会,之前DHV公司在积极开辟市场同时,面多偌年夜的中国污水处置市场,DHV并没有同步进军中国市场,给中国污水处置界留下了很年夜的疑问,为此众口纷纭!就在大师火热弄支流厌氧氨氧化之际,DHV忽然公布正式进军中国!更加猎奇的是,与DHV合作的BEIES和Century3公司是何路仙人?相信99%人听都没有听过,也许这就是江湖套路。笔者几年前说过一句话,Mark在引领标的目的,他一边朝着支流AMX打左转向灯了,另外一边却联袂DHV右拐NERE����APPDA了!可是,面临重大的中国水务市场,NEREDA能走多远?笔者尚待不雅察。DHBV-BEIES-CENTURY3构成的“铁三角”关系,是不是能安定架构,笔者也是留有悬念。由于这两个新平台,都太奥秘了。背后是哪家年夜的水务团体或本钱在鞭策此事,留待今后渐渐显现。Beijing Enterprises Industrial Environmental Solutions Limited (BEIES) has entered into a partnership with Royal HaskoningDHV of the Netherlands and Century3 for the delivery of the sustainable Nereda wastewater treatment technology to China. The signing ceremony for the partnership took place in Beijing, China, on 26 September. Present at the ceremony were Mr. He Rong (left on top photo) for Century3, Mr. Xu for BEIES (middle) and Mr. Rene Noppeney for Royal HaskoningDHV (right).BEIES is a holding subsidiary of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited (BEWG) providing water and waste water treatment solutions to municipal and industrial customers. Century3 is a leading technology, engineering, and project management company in China. Established in 2004 with headquarters in Shanghai.A robust one SBR-tank concept with a three phased aerobic treatment process using compact two layered granular biomass.Best example granular sludge technologyMr. Xu, Deputy General Manager of BEIES said: “We have been following the development of Aerobic Granular Sludge technology for more than ten years. Nereda technology is the best example of it.’Xu stated that Nereda has proven to achieve organic waste and simultaneous nutrient removal within a considerably smaller footprint, with very low energy and chemical consumption.‘By successfully introducing and implementing Nereda technology into China’, he said, ‘we believe we will contribute to the low carbon, environmentally friendly and sustainable development of China.’Nereda communityMr. Rene Noppeney, Global Director Water Products and Innovation of Royal HaskoningDHV said: ‘We are honoured to welcome BEIES and Century3 to our international Nereda community. The companies’ strengths and reputations are formidable.’The biggest Nereda plant (343,000 pe) is currently under construction at wwtp Utrecht, the Netherlands. The plant will become operational early next year.‘The partnership supports the growth strategies for all involved, and I am convinced that this is a major step forward for the people and environment of China’, said Noppeney.Two potential projectsBEIES has already identified two potential Nereda wastewater treatment projects, which when complete will not only provide improved wastewater treatment at lower cost to the environment but will also act as demonstration plants to showcase the capability of the technology.Nereda is a wastewater treatment technology that relies on aerobic biological action to purify wastewater before returning clean water to the environment.The Nereda process has already been successfully tested and implemented around the world. It requires fewer chemicals than conventional wastewater treatments and meets strict purification standards. This innovative, sustainable process was developed in The Netherlands.转动:水进展


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