

江南,空气产品公司将携先进技术设备方案亮相第三届中国进博会 深化合作共赢 助力中国可持续发展


焦点提醒: 空气产物公司将携进步前辈手艺装备方案表态第三届中国进博会深化合作双赢 助力中国可延续成长中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事空气产物公司将携进步前辈手艺装备方案表态第三届中国进博会


中国上海(2020年11月3日)——第三届中国国际进口展览会(以下简称“进博会”)行将在2020年11月5至10日在国度会展中间(上海)盛大进行。作为全球领先的工业气体供给商,已办事中国市场33年的空气产物公司(Air Products,纽约证券买卖所代码:APD)将初次以展商身份介入这场国度级展会,与来自分歧国度和地域的数千家参展企业一同表态。






空气产物公司中国区总裁苏俊雄暗示:“我们很是兴奋能加入这个国度级的展会,特殊是在中国‘十四五计划’行将开局之际。在中国30多年来,我们的工业气体产物、手艺和利用一向在助力客户提质增效节能减排。本年正值空气产物公司成立80周年。公司一直专注在能源、情况和新兴市场,近期公布了 ‘到2030年下降1/3’二氧化碳强度的全球减排方针。我们努力在办事中国市场,同时看到了公司在华加快投资成长的庞大机缘,将延续和当局、客户和其他各方合作火伴联袂合作,以立异方案撑持中国绿色成长理念,扶植漂亮中国。”


关在空气产物公司空气产物公司(Air Products, 纽约证券买卖所代码:APD)是一门第界领先的工业气体公司,具有近80年的汗青。公司专注在办事能源、情况和新兴市场,为包罗炼油、化工、金属、电子、加工制造和食物饮料等浩繁财产的客户供给出产所必须的工业气体、相干装备和利用专业手艺。空气产物公司也是一家全球领先的液化自然气工艺手艺和装备供给商。公司同时还开辟、设想、建筑、具有并运营着一些全球最年夜型的工业气体项目,包罗气化项目。这些气化项目以可延续的体例将丰硕的天然资本转换成合成气,用在出产高附加值电力、燃料和化工品。



Air Products to Showcase Advanced Technologies, Equipment and Solutions at3rdChina International Import Expo

Company to Deepen Win-win Cooperation to Support China’s Sustainable Development

Shanghai, China (November 3, 2020) - Air Products (NYSE: APD), a world-leading industrial gases company serving the China market for 33 years, will exhibit for the first time in the 3rdChina International Import Expo (CIIE 2020) at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from November 5-10 along with thousands of exhibitors from various countries and regions.

Under the theme ‘Together, We’ll Realize Our Dreams of a Sustainable Future,’ Air Products will showcase its advanced technologies, equipment and sustainable solutions on Hydrogen for Mobility, gasification and carbon capture to solve the world’s energy and environmental challenges and its mega and demonstration projects. Key highlights include:

·Hydrogen for Mobility: comprehensive solutions including production, liquefication, storage, transportation, and innovative fueling technology systems and related infrastructure, and the world's largest carbon-free hydrogen project

·Gasification: build-own-operate model and proven coal gasification technologies to support the clean use of coal andthe upgrading of the chemical industry

·Carbon capture: efficient and reliable technology solutions forcapturing carbon dioxide from fossil fuel conversion before it reaches the atmosphere

The company will leverage this open and shared platform to continue deepeningits collaboration with local governments, associations, institutions, customers, partners and suppliers.

“We are very glad to participate in this national exhibition especially as China is entering the 14thFive-Year Plan period. Our industrial gases, technologies and applications have been enabling customers in China to reduce energy use, lower emissions and increase productivity for more than 30 years,” said Air Products China president Saw Choon Seong. “This year marks Air Products’ 80thanniversary. The company has an unwavering focus on energy, environment and emerging markets andreleased a new sustainability goal to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions intensity by one-third by 2030 globally. We are committed to the China market and see tremendous opportunities to accelerate our growth and cooperate with the governments, customers and many other important partners to support the country’s sustainable development with our innovation and solutions.”

As one of the first multinational gas companies to enter China, Air Products has supported the social and economic development of the country since 1987. Putting sustainability at the core of its business, the company has supported many demonstration and mega projects in China, including operating the company’s first coal gasification project for Lu'An Coal-based Clean Energy Co. Ltd. in Shanxi Province to produce syngas; building, owning and operating a 美金650 million coal-to-syngas plant for Jiutai New Material Co. in Inner Mongolia, and a joint venture coal-to-syngas plant with Debang Group in Jiangsu Province.

About Air Products

Air Products (NYSE:APD) is a world-leading industrial gases company in operation for 80 years. Focused on serving energy, environment and emerging markets, the Company provides essential industrial gases, related equipment and applications expertise to customers in dozens of industries, including refining, chemical, metals, electronics, manufacturing, and food and beverage. Air Products is also the global leader in the supply of liquefied natural gas process technology and equipment. The Company develops, engineers, builds, owns and operates some of the world's largest industrial gas projects, including gasification projects that sustainably convert abundant natural resources into syngas for the production of high-value power, fuels and chemicals.

The Company had fiscal 2019 sales of 美金8.9 billion from operations in 50 countries and has a current market capitalization of about 美金65 billion, making it the largest American chemical company by market capitalization.More than 17,000 passionate, talented and committed employees from diverse backgrounds are driven by Air Products’ higher purpose to create innovative solutions that benefit the environmen����APPt, enhance sustainability and address the challenges facing customers, communities, and the world. For more information, visit airproducts.com or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

NOTE: This release may contain forward-looking statements within the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s reasonable expectations and assumptions as of the date of this release regarding important risk factors. Actual performance and financial results may differ materially from projections and estimates expressed in the forward-looking statements because of many factors not anticipated by management, including risk factors described in the Company’s Form 10K for its fiscal year ended September 30, 2019.


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